- Create your own Tea Blending Formula -
There are few things to know before creating your own tea formula.
First of all, Let's talk about the types of tea dust to use:
3 most common types of tea dust
Collapsible content
Coarse grains
BOP (2-3mm) Distinctive aroma, bright brew color, mild flavor and less concentrated.
- Tsit Wing General BOP Ceylon
Middle coarse grains
BOPF (1-2mm) Moderate aroma and concentration, stronger tea flavor, fine for being enjoyed alone or used in blending.
- Tsit Wing BOPF #4
Fine grains
DUST (<1mm) Fair aroma, dark brew and higher concentration, usually used for blending or making tea bags.
- Tsit Wing General Dust Tea
*Understanding the distinct flavors of each type of tea is crucial in creating a tea blending formula. Doing little blind tests would be a fun way to practice!
Next, let's go through some basic blending theories:
Number of Types of Tea Dust:
While the use of 3 to 4 types of tea dust is the most common, there's not an actual limit.
According to our professional experience, we have used the minimum of 2 and maximum of 6.
Blending Ratio:
Again, there is no restriction on the ratio. It can be 50%+50% for 2 types, 10%+20%+30%+40% for 4 types, etc.
Tsit Wing has created over 1,000 blending formulas and blended tea in 92 years using the theories above.
And finally, here we are to create your own blending formula:
1. draft an elementary formula, e.g. 20% coarse grains + 30% middle coarse grains + 50% fine grains.
2. Based on their individual taste profiles you know, estimate the overall taste profile of this formula.
3. Blend the tea accordingly.
4. Take a portion of the blended tea that is good for one brew.
5. Brew & drink to see if its taste profile meets your estimation.
*If not, adjust the ratio, and repeat step 3 to 5 until you are satisfied with the taste profile.
6. Record the final formula!
Brewing Guide
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